Results for 'Christopher A. Torres'

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  1.  26
    Types of testimony and their reliability.Christopher A. Torres - 2024 - Synthese 203 (6):1-27.
    It is a seemingly innocuous fact that people learn from the testimony of authorities. Children learn from parents, students learn from teachers, and laypeople learn from experts. What makes this appearance a little less innocent, however, is that some of these same people would have believed sources of testimony that are not authoritative, e.g., unreliable peers and charlatans. Since such hearers of testimony could form as many false beliefs as true ones, they appear to be unreliable consumers of testimony. Therefore, (...)
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    Totality of the Evidence Suggests Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Does Not Lead to Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic and Critical Review.Ciara A. Torres, Christopher Medina-Kirchner, Kate Y. O'Malley & Carl L. Hart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  3.  14
    (1 other version)Response: Commentary: Totality of the Evidence Suggests Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Does Not Lead to Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic and Critical Review.Ciara A. Torres, Christopher Medina-Kirchner, Kate Y. O'Malley & Carl L. Hart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The COVID-19 Infodemic: Twitter versus Facebook.Filippo Menczer, John Bryden, Christopher Torres-Lugo, David Axelrod, Pik-Mai Hui, Francesco Pierri & Kai-Cheng Yang - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The global spread of the novel coronavirus is affected by the spread of related misinformation—the so-called COVID-19 Infodemic—that makes populations more vulnerable to the disease through resistance to mitigation efforts. Here, we analyze the prevalence and diffusion of links to low-credibility content about the pandemic across two major social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook. We characterize cross-platform similarities and differences in popular sources, diffusion patterns, influencers, coordination, and automation. Comparing the two platforms, we find divergence among the prevalence of popular (...)
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    >What can Austrian economists learn from the post Keynesians? Reply to Davidson.Christopher Torr - 1993 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 7 (2-3):399-406.
    Paul Davidson has argued that there is little common ground between Post Keynesian analysis and the Austrian approach to economics. He claims that Post Keynesians (unlike Austrian economists) place great importance on the role of expectations and do not present a deterministic view of the economic system. In this essay the validity of such claims is examined.
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  6. A Democratic Theory of Life.Hans Asenbaum, Reece Chenault, Christopher Harris, Akram Hassan, Curtis Hierro, Stephen Houldsworth, Brandon Mack, Shauntrice Martin, Chivona Newsome, Kayla Reed, Tony Rice, Shevone Torres & I. I. Terry J. Wilson - 2023 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 70 (176):1-33.
    In response to its current crisis, scholars call for the revitalisation of democracy through democratic innovations. While they make ample use of life metaphors describing democracy as a living organism, no comprehensive understanding of ‘life’ has been established within democratic theory. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement articulates the urgency of refocusing on life and its meaning through radical democratic practice. This article employs a grounded theory approach, enriched with participatory methods, to develop a radical democratic concept of life in (...)
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    Psicoanálisis, trabajo y democracia.Christophe Dejours, Jorge del Arco Ortiz & Sergio Vega Jiménez - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):123-129.
    En el siguiente texto se expone la vinculación entre el trabajo, la subjetividad y el sufrimiento desde la perspectiva de la psicodinámica del trabajo. Se presenta la utilidad del psicoanálisis para pensar la relación entre el trabajo y la democracia, así como los efectos de las transformaciones del trabajo sobre la erosión del vínculo social. Asimismo, se exponen las principales tesis de la psicodinámica del trabajo, relativas al impacto del giro neoliberal en la gestión empresarial, al sufrimiento producido por la (...)
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    La guerre civile perpétuelle: aux origines modernes de la dissociété.Bernard Dumont, Gilles Dumont & Christophe Réveillard (eds.) - 2012 - Perpignan: Artège.
    Au-dela des idees convenues, comment penser les fondements d'une crise sociale inscrite dans le temps long? La guerre civile perpetuelle evalue dans plusieurs domaines les ravages politiques de la philosophie de la modernite. Cette etude examine d'abord sa capacite a detruire a la racine la possibilite du lien social naturel, pour tenter par la suite de le recreer au moyen de divers artifices. Loin de se limiter au simple constat d'echec, l'originalite et la force de cet ouvrage resident dans l'analyse (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Gauge principles, gauge arguments and the logic of nature.Christopher A. Martin - 2002 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2002 (3):S221-S234.
    I consider the question of how literally one can construe the “gauge argument,” which is the canonical means of understanding the putatively central import of local gauge symmetry principles for fundamental physics. As I argue, the gauge argument must be afforded a heuristic reading. Claims to the effect that the argument reflects a deep “logic of nature” must, for numerous reasons I discuss, be taken with a grain of salt.
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  10. Sacrificial pasts and messianic futures: Religion as a political prospect in René Girard and Giorgio Agamben.Christopher A. Fox - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (5):563-595.
    Religion has become a vital resource for attempts to rethink the meaning of the political. This article rehearses the efforts of two recent figures, René Girard and Giorgio Agamben, to transform the political by renewing its connection to religion. Both thinkers struggle to escape politics as defined by Carl Schmitt's friend/enemy distinction. Girard and Agamben do clash ideologically, but their inquiries into sacrifice and messianism take similar courses. Regarding origins, Girard argues for the sacrificial crisis as the common parent to (...)
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  11.  26
    The School Climate and Academic Mindset Inventory (SCAMI): Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Invariance Across Demographic Groups.Christopher A. Kearney, Ricardo Sanmartín & Carolina Gonzálvez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    School climate is a multidimensional construct of the quality of a student’s academic environment, often subsuming dimensions such as safety, instructional practices, social relationships, school facilities, and school connectedness. Positive school climate has beneficial effects on a wide range of adjustment variables in youth, including academic achievement, mental health, school attendance and graduation, and school-based behavior. Studies regarding school climate assessment have burgeoned in recent years but remain marked by limited sample sizes, narrow developmental levels, restricted items, unclear psychometric strength (...)
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    Facial blushing influences perceived embarrassment and related social functional evaluations.Christopher A. Thorstenson, Adam D. Pazda & Stephanie Lichtenfeld - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (3):413-426.
    Facial blushing involves a reddening of the face elicited in situations involving unwanted social attention. Such situations include being caught committing a social transgression, which is typical...
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  13.  21
    A Greek Magical Gemstone from the Black Sea.Christopher A. Faraone - 2010 - Kernos 23:91-114.
    Une gemme en agate peu étudiée provenant d’Anapa, datée de la période impériale, présente un grand intérêt, dans la mesure où elle diffère de la plupart des gemmes magiques par sa forme sphérique, sa grande taille et son contenu : elle commence par une référence aux rituels traditionnels grecs d’expulsion et se termine par une liste des parties de la tête humaine semblable à celle que l’on trouve dans un manuel médical hippocratique. La gemme ne serait pas une amulette, comme (...)
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  14. Ad hominem arguments and intelligent design: Reply to Koperski.Christopher A. Pynes - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):289-297.
    Abstract Jeffrey Koperski claims in Zygon (2008) that critics of Intelligent Design engage in fallacious ad hominem attacks on ID proponents and that this is a “bad way” to engage them. I show that Koperski has made several errors in his evaluation of the ID critics. He does not distinguish legitimate, relevant ad hominem arguments from fallacious ad hominem attacks. He conflates (or equates) the logical use of valid with the colloquial use of valid. Moreover, Koperski doesn't take seriously the (...)
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    The book of the liturgy in anglo-saxon England.Christopher A. Jones - 1998 - Speculum 73 (3):659-702.
    The book as a symbol of totality and logocentric order has become a familiar motif in histories of medieval culture. In recent years numerous studies have examined in detail not only how this “idea of the book” and its dependent metaphors rendered all experience “legible,” but also how the tasks of ensuring a correct “reading” devolved upon exegesis and commentary.
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    Enforcement of foreign judgments, systemic calibration, and the global law market.Christopher A. Whytock & Samuel P. Baumgartner - 2022 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 23 (1):119-164.
    There are important reasons for states to recognize and enforce the judgments of other states’ courts. There are also reasons that may militate against recognition or enforcement of certain foreign judgments, making it appropriate to calibrate or “fine tune” the presumption favoring recognition and enforcement so it is not applied too broadly. Most calibration principles, such as the principle that a judgment from a court lacking jurisdiction should not be recognized, are case-specific. However, one calibration principle that is, to our (...)
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    (1 other version)Thomas Reid and the problem of secondary qualities.Christopher A. Shrock - 2013 - Dissertation, Baylor University
    Direct Realism is the view that human perception takes physical entities and their mind-independent properties as immediate objects. Although this thesis is supported by common sense, many argue that it can be dismissed on philosophical or quasi-scientific grounds. This essay attempts to defend Direct Realism against one such argument, which I call the “Problem of Secondary Qualities,” using the ideas of Scottish Common Sense philosopher Thomas Reid. The first chapter of this work offers a detailed introduction to the Problem of (...)
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    Bad Priests and the Valor of Pity.Christopher A. Link - 2012 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 15 (4):75-96.
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    Inscribed Greek Thunderstones as House- and Body-Amulets in Roman Imperial Times.Christopher A. Faraone - 2014 - Kernos 27:257-284.
    La réutilisation des haches néolithiques (également appelées « celts » ou « pierres de foudre ») comme des amulettes à l’époque romaine est aujourd’hui sous-estimée. En conséquence, la date ancienne des deux petits exemples inscrits du British Museum (BM nos 1* et 504) est maintenant remise en doute, en raison d’une évaluation négative qui découle de l’utilisation insuffisante de comparanda. En comparaison avec le corpus croissant de pierres magiques, les médias de ces deux petites haches (jadéite ou serpentine), leur poli (...)
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  20.  31
    What Are Critics For?Christopher A. Dustin - 1997 - Idealistic Studies 27 (1-2):113-130.
    In a familiar passage from Plato's Euthyphro, Socrates points to a contrast between "matters of difference that cause hatred and anger," and matters where agreement is reached by seemingly rational means. Where a dispute concerns number, size or weight, we arrive at a decision by counting or measuring. But there are matters of disagreement where such convergence is not to be expected: "the just and the unjust, the beautiful and the ugly, the good and the bad" notorious among them. Socrates's (...)
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  21. Yellow is not a Color.Christopher A. Shrock - 2012 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 34:58-64.
  22. The Usury Prohibition and Natural Law: A Reappraisal.Christopher A. Franks - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (4):625-660.
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    May/December romance: Adaptive significance non probabilis est.Christopher A. Moffatt & Randy J. Nelson - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):106-107.
  24. The Holy Spirit in Gregory Nazianzen : the pneumatology of Oration 31.Christopher A. Beeley - 2009 - In L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.), God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson. Boston: Brill.
  25.  43
    Weaponized iconoclasm in Internet memes featuring the expression ‘Fake News’.Christopher A. Smith - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (3):303-319.
    The expression ‘Fake News’ inside Internet memes engenders significant online virulence, possibly heralding an iconoclastic emergence of weaponized propaganda for assaulting agencies reared on public trust. Internet memes are multimodal artifacts featuring ideological singularities designed for ‘flash’ consumption, often composed by numerous voices echoing popular, online culture. This study proposes that ‘Fake News’ Internet memes are weaponized iconoclastic multimodal propaganda discourse and attempts to delineate them as such by asking: What power relations and ideologies do Internet memes featuring the expression (...)
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    Defining disability: metaphysical not political.Christopher A. Riddle - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):377-384.
    Recent discussions surrounding the conceptualising of disability has resulted in a stalemate between British sociologists and philosophers. The stagnation of theorizing that has occurred threatens not only academic pursuits and the advancement of theoretical interpretations within the Disability Studies community, but also how we educate and advocate politically, legally, and socially. More pointedly, many activists and theorists in the UK appear to believe the British social model is the only effective means of understanding and advocating on behalf of people with (...)
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    Monotheism, Intolerance, and the Path to Pluralistic Politics.Christopher A. Haw - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Discussions of monotheism often consider its bigotry toward other gods as a source of conflict, or emphasize its universality as a source of peaceful tolerance. Both approaches, however, ignore the combined danger and liberation in monotheism's 'intolerance.' In this volume, Christopher Haw reframes this important argument. He demonstrates the value of rejecting paradigms of inclusivity in favor of an agonistic pluralism and intolerance of absolutism. Haw proposes a model that retains liberal, pluralistic principles while acknowledging their limitations, and he (...)
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    Aristophanes, Amphiaraus, Fr.29 (Kassel-austin): Oracular Response or Erotic Incantation?Christopher A. Faraone - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (02):320-.
    A hexametrical couplet from Aristophanes' lost Amphiaraus has in the past been interpreted as a fragment of an oracular response.
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    Kanaanaische und aramaische Inschriften, vol. 1.Christopher A. Rollston, Herbert Donner & Wolfgang Rollig - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):410.
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    Empathic forecasting of the big-fish-little-pond effect.Christopher A. Stockus & Ethan Zell - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The big-fish-little-pond effect (BFLPE) is the tendency for students to evaluate themselves more favourably when they have high rank in a low rank school than low rank in a high rank school. Research has documented the BFLPE on experienced emotions. We conducted three studies that examined forecasts of how the BFLPE influences other people’s emotions (i.e. empathic forecasts). In Study 1, participants received performance feedback about themselves or another person and reported their own affect or anticipated the other person’s affect. (...)
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    On the limitations of imaging imagining.Christopher A. Buneo & Martha Flanders - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):202-203.
  32. Reid, Aristotle, and Color.Christopher A. Shrock - 2010 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 32.
  33.  17
    Disability and Justice: The Capabilities Approach in Practice.Christopher A. Riddle & Jerome E. Bickenbach - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Disability & Justice: The Capabilities Approach in Practice is an interdisciplinary examination of the practical application of the capabilities approach viewed through the lens of the experience of disability. Careful and critical examination of vital foundational concepts is undertaken prior to contextualizing the experience of disability and how we might begin to promote an inclusive society through an application of the capabilities approach.
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    Religious Reasons in the Public Square.Christopher A. Callaway - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (4):621-641.
    This essay surveys some of the problems facing theories of public deliberation that are “exclusivist” insofar as they account for good participation in terms of a citizen’s refusal to use certain kinds of reasons. It then argues for a more promising alternative: one that focuses on citizens’ character rather than the content of their reasons. More specifically, it is possible to distinguish good participation from bad by considering the extent to which the citizen possesses and demonstrates the virtue of reasonableness. (...)
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    Thomas Reid's Only Primary-Secondary Quality Distinction.Christopher A. Shrock - 2011 - Journal of Scottish Thought 4:141-150.
  36. Aristotle's aether and contemporary science.Christopher A. Decaen - 2004 - The Thomist 68 (3):375-429.
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    The untruth in relativism.Christopher A. Dustin - 1995 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 3 (1):17 – 53.
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    Un-Speaking in Tongues: Glossolalia as Ascetical Prayer.Christopher A. Stephenson - 2020 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 13 (1):88-101.
    One of the next steps of integrating Pentecostal spirituality with the wider Christian spiritual tradition is to consider further glossolalia’s relationship to forms of prayer with a longer and more firmly established history. While some initial attempts to do so have connected glossolalia more closely to mystical prayer, there is ground for seeing some occasions of glossolalia also as ascetical prayer. Pentecostals and Catholics are particularly equipped to support this claim, if they can transcend some of their own typical views (...)
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  39.  22
    How to identify and address the real-world risks of large language models.Christopher A. Mouton & Caleb Lucas - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  40.  28
    Taking the "Nestor's Cup Inscription" Seriously: Erotic Magic and Conditional Curses in the Earliest Inscribed Hexameters.Christopher A. Faraone - 1996 - Classical Antiquity 15 (1):77-112.
    This essay argues that the Nestor's Cup Inscription is not a joke, but rather a magical spell designed to work as an aphrodisiac. It is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the hexametrical couplet and the second with the opening line. In the first section the author argues that the hexameters comprise a bonafide magical incantation, pointing out that: the two hexameters take the semantic form of a conditional curse well known from oaths and proprietary inscriptions of the (...)
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  41. Why is there a stem cell debate? And how to depoliticize it.Christopher A. Pynes - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 144--425.
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    Transferability of Military-Specific Cognitive Research to Military Training and Operations.Christopher A. J. Vine, Stephen D. Myers, Sarah L. Coakley, Sam D. Blacker & Oliver R. Runswick - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Xenophon Poroi 5: Securing a ‘More Just’ Athenian Hegemony.Christopher A. Farrell - 2016 - Polis 33 (2):331-355.
    The present study examines section five of Poroi and Xenophon’s proposal to restore the reputation of Athens. After outlining his plan for ‘justly’ supplying the dēmos with sufficient sustenance in Poroi 1-4, section 5 addresses the desire to regain hegemony after Athens had lost the Social War. Xenophon does not adopt an anti-imperialist stance; instead he seeks to re-align imperial aspirations with Athenian ideals and earlier paradigms for securing hegemony. Xenophon’s ideas in Poroi are contextualized with consideration for his ‘Socratic’ (...)
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    The Origins of the "Sarum" Chrism Mass at Eleventh-Century Christ Church, Canterbury.Christopher A. Jones - 2005 - Mediaeval Studies 67 (1):219-315.
  45.  92
    Mere Christianity and the Moral Argument for the Existence of God.Christopher A. Shrock - 2018 - Sehnsucht 11:99-120.
  46.  14
    A Copper Plaque in the Louvre : Composite Amulet or Pattern-Book for Making Individual Body-Amulets?Christopher A. Faraone - 2017 - Kernos 30:187-220.
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    Angela M. Coventry and Alexander Sager , The Humean Mind.Christopher A. Shrock - 2019 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 17 (3):257-263.
  48. A response.Christopher A. P. Nelson - 2019 - In Robert L. Perkins & Sylvia Walsh Perkins (eds.), Truth is subjectivity: Kierkegaard and political theology: a symposium in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
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    Using Cognitive Agents to Train Negotiation Skills.Christopher A. Stevens, Jeroen Daamen, Emma Gaudrain, Tom Renkema, Jakob Dirk Top, Fokie Cnossen & Niels A. Taatgen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  50. Real machines and virtual intentionality: An experimentalist takes on the problem of representational content.Christopher A. Fields - 1994 - In Eric Dietrich (ed.), Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons: Essays on the Intentionality of Machines. Academic Press.
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